
Will you come to my place next Sunday? Will you read this book next week? Do you reads books every day? Are you reading book now? I won’t see him tomorrow. What will you do tomorrow? What will your friends do your friend? Where will you go next summer? Where you goes every morning? Where … [Read more…]


1. I will play chess tomorrow. 2. I will not play chess tomorrow. 3. Will you play chess tomorrow? 4. He plays chess every day. 5. He doesn’t  play chess every day. 6. Does he play chess every day? 7. They are playing chess now. 8. They are not playing chess now. 9. Are they … [Read more…]


Long long ago the animals had no tails or very small ones. One day the Lion asked all the animals to come to him to get good tails. It was cold that day and it was raining. The hare had only a short little tail but he did not like to go out and said … [Read more…]


I’m is siting in the waiting room at the doctor’s now. I’m is not working in my office now. 3. Eric is talking about his holiday plans, but Kenny is not listening to him. He is thinking about his new car at the moment. 4. My friend is living in St Petersburg. 5. My cousin … [Read more…]


Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple. 1. His father isn’t watching TV at the moment. He is sleeping because he is tired. 2. Pat isn’t cooking dinner at the moment. She is talking  on the phone. She cooks dinner every Monday. 3. I’m not drinking coffee now. I’m writing an … [Read more…]


Упражнение 175 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple. (USUALLY) 1. My working day usually begins at seven o’clock. I get up, swich on the radio and do my morning exercises. It takes me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we have breakfast. My father and I leave home at eight o’clock. He take a … [Read more…]


Jack and the beanstalk Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his mother. They were very poor. All they had was a cow. One morning, Jack’s mother told Jack to take their cow to market and sell her. On the way, Jack met a man. He gave Jack some magic … [Read more…]


Упражнение 174 Переведите на английский язык, употребляя гла- голы в Present Continuous. (СЕЙЧАС) 1. Я читаю-I’m reading now. 2. Он не пишет-He is not writing now. 3. Мы не работаем-We are not working now. 4. Вы читаете?-Are you reading now? 5. Он спит?-Is he sleeping now. 6. Коля и Миша играют в футбол-Kolya and Misha … [Read more…]

Alfred’s birthday

Vardan: Hi Vardan. How are you? Vardan: Oh, hi Vardan. Fine, thanks. How are you?Vardan: Yeah, I’m fine. Listen, it’s Alfred’s birthday next saturday and We want to have a surprise celebration for him.. Do you want to come with us?Vardan: Yeah, that would be great. What are you going to do?Vardan: Well … I’m … [Read more…]